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What Happens During a Tarot Reading Session?

Writer: Sarah ReidSarah Reid

Updated: Jan 22

Tarot reading can provide an interesting lens through which to consider your own thoughts and choices. Every card has rich imagery and symbolism that invites you to reflect.

The thing is, when you read tarot, you can’t help but find patterns in your life or in the situations you’re asking about. Though it doesn’t forecast what will happen, it offers a disciplined way of thinking through what could be.

Whether you’re looking for guidance or want to explore your inner world, tarot is a powerful practice to help you tune in to yourself.

Preparing for a Tarot Reading

Getting ready for your tarot reading involves several considerations to keep in mind. Whether you’re using the cards as a lens for interpretation or looking for direct guidance, this preparation ensures an insightful and focused experience. So, let’s unpack the most important parts of preparing for a tarot reading.

Set Clear Intentions

Having clarity of purpose is the bedrock of a successful tarot reading. Before you even touch your deck, take a step back. Consider what you hope to achieve from this process. Do you need advice about one particular issue? Or do you simply need a deeper insight into where you’re at right now?

By clarifying what you want to focus on, you’ve set yourself a mental roadmap for a productive session. Instead of asking broad questions such as, “What is going to happen to me?” ask more targeted questions. For example, make the goal about what you can do to be a better partner. This hands-on approach provides more tangible and actionable insights.

Meditation is a simple tool to find your focus. Spend a few minutes doing some deep breathing or just sitting in silence. This will allow you to better direct your energy and come into the reading with a clear head. Many experienced tarot practitioners rely on tools such as Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden, to help focus their mental and emotional states.

These preparatory steps will not only do wonders for you, but offer a much deeper, more intimate connection to the reader and the cards themselves.

Create a Calm Environment

The atmosphere around a tarot reading plays a huge role in how effective it will be. A peaceful setting helps promote presence and focus, both of which are needed for an accurate and meaningful reading. Most tarot readers start their practice by cleansing the area with sage or incense. This is just a way to clear the air and any energies that may be hanging around.

If it’s warm enough, open a window and invite fresh energy into the reading space. Lighting a candle brings a calming quality and helps establish a more ceremonial atmosphere. Others find it helpful to build in brief pre-reading tasks.

For example, they can provide the client with an oracle card to meditate on before getting into the main reading. This simple, client-centered approach gets the reading off to a great start. It makes them feel like they’re more in control and comfortable during the whole experience.

Simple rituals like these serve a deeper purpose than simple tradition. They improve the arts and sciences reader/client connection, putting both parties in greater touch with the reading process.

Choose the Right Questions

In other words, the way you prepare for a tarot reading has a direct impact on the reading itself. Questions that are specifically, mindfully created will help everyone to gain more meaningful and clear insight. Open-ended questions, instead of yes/no type questions, invite the cards to give you their more nuanced wisdom.

Rather than, “Will I get this job?” ask, “What do I need to do to succeed?” We wish you luck as you make yourself more career-ready with this approach!

It’s equally important to have faith in the process, and in your abilities as a reader. The majority of tarot readers, 81%, do include rituals such as those listed above. Here’s the rub — it’s crucial to understand these rituals as protective tools, not sacred obligations.

Trusting your intuition and the cards themselves will usually lead you to the most authentic results. Either way, as the reader or the client, you and your confidence are the stars. Their wisdom and shine will always outshine any external accessory or ritual.

What to Expect During a Reading

The Role of the Tarot Reader

A good tarot reader will be a facilitator, giving you the tools to explore what the cards have in store. They’re not there to tell you your future or give you black-and-white answers. Rather than giving advice, they guide you to the answers you already have inside yourself.

A true reader will never contact you first or attempt to recruit you. Rather than pushing their agenda, they react to the ideas that you propose, making the experience feel much more motivated by your interest.

Once the reading starts, you might find yourself surprised that the reader is typically listening in a deep silence. This silence isn’t an attempt to build suspense—it’s about focus. They are interpreting several layers—symbols, energy, and the context of your question—all at once.

Consider it like stitching threads together to create a rich tapestry of story. The reader is provided multiple tools to enrich their discovery. One of the more popular choices is the Celtic Cross spread, which provides a far more in-depth look at the insights you need.

It doesn’t matter if the reading is five minutes or one hour long, their job is to lead, not lecture. That’s because they are designed to be interactively intuitive, not spoonfeed you scripted success.

Interpreting Card Symbols

The heart of any tarot reading is in the symbols represented on the cards. Each card comes with its own set of imagery, color, number and archetype, all of which synchronistically combine to deliver a perfect message. For instance, the Fool card usually signifies new beginnings or a leap of faith.

Importantly, these interpretations are not set in stone. A card’s meaning will vary based on its placement within the spread. It depends on the cards that it’s surrounding and the context of your question.

Tarot readers interpret these symbols, using their understanding of traditional meanings combined with their intuition. This process asks them to juggle deep, structured understanding with an intuitive feel for what’s most relevant in the moment.

The Lovers card may suggest balance to a seeker’s relationship inquiries. On the other hand, it can be a sign that someone is calling for you to make a judgment in their career-oriented question. It’s this flexibility that allows every reading to be different.

Inaccurate readers can misinterpret these symbols to you. Most importantly, they will arm you with the tools to find your own path in life.

Emotional and Spiritual Insights

A good tarot reading gets under the skin of your original question, helping you unpack deeper emotional and spiritual truths. These intimate sessions foster an environment of contemplation that allow you to zero in on the things that are truly important to you in your life.

It’s not unusual to feel a sense of relief and clarity, or occasionally shock when receiving a reading. This emotional reaction is a key component to the process. The cards often point to aspects of your life that need to be worked on or healed.

Say you’re feeling trapped in a relationship, the cards may show you what patterns you have or energy blocks preventing your growth. This doesn’t mean that the cards are predicting your fate—far from it—but instead providing you with a new lens to see your situation through.

An excellent reader guides you through these truths in a way that is non-reactive and non-judgmental, so you’re left with a feeling of empowerment. Whether it’s through a face-to-face session, a Zoom call, or even an email reading, the goal remains the same: to provide a deeper connection to your inner self.

Common Tarot Reading Methods

The Celtic Cross Spread

The Celtic Cross Spread is the most common and elaborate tarot reading technique. This method uses ten cards, each focused on a distinct area of the question or situation at hand. It’s meant to give you a full view of outside forces, hidden emotions, inner anxieties, and future possibilities.

In a common 2-card reading, the first card would represent the current position, and the second card would show you what you’re up against. The following cards explore the underlying issue, past influences, and future potential. The last cards in the spread go deep into the querent’s emotional self. They disclose their outside world, wish, worry, and the eventual best possible outcome.

For example, if someone asks about their career path, the spread might reveal underlying fears about failure or external pressures from colleagues. Further, it offers practical recommendations for how to meet these challenges and reach the best outcome possible.

The richness of this spread can make it difficult. If the message seems cloudy, readers will frequently draw extra “clarifier” cards to gain further clarity. Though useful, these additional cards often just add to the confusion of the reading, leaving the querent with more questions than answers. For the best results, it is important to tackle this spread with an open mind and careful consideration.

Three-Card Spread Technique

The Three-Card Spread Technique is a great, simpler alternative to the Celtic Cross Spread. It’s a favorite of beginners for getting quick insights. This approach consists of pulling three cards out, often used to represent the past, present, and future.

The three-card spread is much more manageable than the ten-card spread. You can adapt it to address concrete, actionable questions such as, “What’s one thing I can do to nourish myself today?” or “How can I be a better friend?

For example, imagine someone is going through a challenging friendship. The past card may reveal a pattern of miscommunication, the present card might focus on present feelings or motivations, and the future card can point to where you can find healing or how you can move forward.

Due to its simple structure, this spread makes a great starting point for mindfulness and self-discovery. It inspires readers to prioritize what’s most important and go beyond being overwhelmed by a deluge of data.

Intuitive Card Reading Approach

The Intuitive Card Reading Approach removes rigid spreads. Instead, it encourages the reader to trust their own instincts and develop their own unique connection with the cards. This approach emphasizes the many ways that tarot can be a useful self-care and mindfulness practice.

It promotes a deeper exploration of self rather than mere future-telling. Readers often use their intuition to find meanings that speak to them. They know that learning to read tarot well is an art that takes years, not a one-time miracle.

For instance, drawing Major Arcana cards like the Devil or Death can seem scary at first glance. Yet, in an intuitive reading, these cards might represent change or escaping toxic cycles.

Most readers want a comforting experience that reflects their aesthetic and emotional interests. For example, a relaxing sepia-toned version of the Rider-Waite deck can offer a meditative vibe. This technique creates a softer and more healing experience which is why it’s perfect for beginners to tarot.

Accuracy and Beliefs About Tarot

Are Tarot Readings Reliable?

How reliable are Tarot readings? This is a common question about Tarot, and answers vary widely based on personal beliefs. A study conducted by the University of London revealed that 55% of participants felt Tarot readings accurately reflected their life circumstances. This number is encouraging and telling of the value people see and the relevance Tarot has in providing impactful insights.

We need to be clear that this reliability is not due to scientific predictive accuracy. Rather, it comes from the connections and meanings that readers develop with the cards on a personal level. I’ve personally met hundreds of Tarot readers, and the vast majority don’t practice Tarot that way or believe in that form of prediction. They don’t bring the same kind of lens to it.

Rather, they see it as a tool to help them explore their options, better understand their feelings, and clarify what’s going on. In my own practice, I’ve learned that spreads with 5 to 10 cards give me the most valuable information. With more cards, you have several layers of meaning to work with, building a more complex, nuanced picture.

A deeper exploration of the challenge comes through a 7-card spread. It can bring to the fore some emotional, practical, and interpersonal dynamics that are involved. On the other hand, if you only pull one card, you’re only working with one point of view, which might feel less fulfilling.

Understanding Subjectivity in Readings

Tarot is deeply personal and subjective. Its efficacy really does depend on the belief and the state of mind of the seeker. Be curious and suspending judgment with Tarot. When you believe in its value, you’re going to be more able to receive the reading and take it into the realm of the helpful and meaningful.

This phenomenon isn’t limited to Tarot; it’s like the ways in which humans can connect with and seek inspiration from art or literature. The interpretation itself is ever-so-subjectively personal and differs from person-to-person. From my personal experiences, I have learned some amazing things about my own psyche through Tarot and Oracle cards.

For example, a single reading once enabled me to reflect on and recognize patterns in my decision-making process that I wasn’t aware of on a conscious level. The cards didn’t tell me anything explicitly, but they let me focus on my ideas and intentions within a framework that made sense to me. This aligns with what many Tarot readers emphasize: the cards are tools for inquiry, self-reflection, and guidance rather than concrete answers.

So at the end of the day, the main takeaway is that Tarot is not about predicting the future, but helping you think inward. When approached with this understanding, its subjective nature is a strength, not a limitation.

How to Read Tarot for Yourself

1. Choose Your Deck Carefully

The very first step in reading tarot for yourself is picking a deck that feels good to you. So don’t wait for someone to buy you your first deck! You’ll find it in all the usual places online that you can order from easily.

As you can imagine, there are thousands of decks to choose from, all with different artwork and themes. Others adore the more traditional designs, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. Some are drawn to more contemporary or symbolic decks based on mythology, nature, or pop culture.

The most important thing is to choose a deck that feels right and intuitive to you. Shuffle the cards, hold them in your hands, examine the artwork with care. Being able to connect with the imagery is important. It’s what forms the bedrock for your tarot journey.

If you’re unsure of where to start, go to a local bookstore or metaphysical store. There, you can check out and flip through decks in person! Online shops offer a wide variety of different products.

So if you’re going to take the plunge, be sure to read reviews and check sample images first to help make an educated purchase. Apps such as Golden Thread Tarot let you try out different decks virtually. On the other hand, while applications can be convenient, using a physical deck encourages a far richer experience.

2. Practice Simple Spreads

Starting with simple layouts ensures the process isn’t overwhelming, particularly if you’re new to tarot. A three-card spread is a perfect tarot spread for beginners, as it’s simple to manage yet provides impactful information.

This three-card spread emphasizes the past, present, and future of a given scenario. It gives you a very concrete story to work with. For example, you might ask, “What do I need to know about my career right now?” and lay out three cards to explore how past actions influence your current position and what opportunities lie ahead.

Once you feel confident with three cards, you can experiment with a five-card spread for more in-depth answers. This arrangement adds more layers on top of the three-card spread, for example, defining obstacles or giving you more actionable advice.

An example could be a three-card reading focusing on a challenge, and the other two cards explain how to get past the hurdle. Keep in mind that you don’t have to jump into complicated spreads such as the Celtic Cross. The simpler the setup, the more practical it is, and the less overwhelming.

3. Reflect on Personal Interpretations

Reading tarot is much more than just memorizing meanings of cards, it’s about learning to interpret what’s being shown through the lens of your own life. For example, when you pull The Fool card, it traditionally represents a fresh start.

For you, it could mean making a leap of faith by developing a new hobby. Upright meanings only starting out will help keep things a little more clear cut while you’re getting the hang of things. As you become more confident you might try reversals, which can sometimes add depth or complexity by pointing out an inner struggle or unseen forces at play.

A good way to begin reading the tarot for yourself is by choosing a card each morning and allowing its meaning to inform your day. Drawing, for example, The Sun may prompt you to spend each day looking for examples of positivity and things you’re grateful for.

Journaling about your thoughts and feelings can help you uncover patterns and deepen your understanding of the cards over time.

4. Stay Open to Intuition

Even though tarot has structure, it is the intuition that makes readings meaningful. Trusting your gut feelings and initial impressions will almost always take you to ideas that are deeper than rote interpretations.

When a card’s imagery brings up a memory or feeling that’s unique to you, that’s a potential truth you need to explore. The worst part is, this truth is usually uncomfortably relevant to your situation. This is where having an actual physical deck is invaluable.

The act of shuffling and handling the cards adds a further physical component that deepens your intuitive connection. Developing your own spread is another way to get intuitive.

Another reader did a layout to funnel her mourning after the death of her partner. They drew on the act of creating sacred land to represent beloved memories, useful teachings, and healing.

This is to say that tarot can be a super flexible tool—you can bring it into your life however feels best and most relevant to you. If you stay open to the process, every reading will be an intimate and enlightening experience.

Popular Misconceptions About Tarot

Tarot as a Fortune-Telling Tool

Perhaps the most common misconception around tarot is that it is a fortune telling device. Pop culture and especially film helps confuse this concept. They frame tarot cards as instruments for divining particular outcomes or deciding a person’s fate.

The truth is that tarot is a lot more complicated than that. The cards aren’t meant to be a crystal ball predicting your future in a literal way. Instead, they serve as a reflective tool, helping individuals gain insight into their current circumstances and explore possible paths forward.

When you draw a card like the Two of Swords, it’s not a prediction that you’ll end up in an actual duel. Instead, it means you’re grappling with a difficult choice that requires serious reflection.

The history and symbolism behind tarot as a divination practice is rich and deep. That isn’t the true origin of tarot cards. These Minor Arcana became absorbed over time by Egyptian symbolism, alchemical concepts, and archetypes of other spiritual traditions.

These layers of meaning are what make tarot such a deep, complex, and nuanced system—not at all a simple or frivolous tool. The practice is based on interpretation—not magic. To give just one example, the same card can represent completely opposite ideas, based on what it’s surrounding, and who is interpreting it.

Misunderstanding the Role of Intuition

A third major misconception is the use of intuition in tarot readings. Most people think that reading tarot takes some sort of psychic gift. Some believe the cards link them to evil spirits. Nothing can be farther from the truth.

Tarot cards are completely neutral objects and operate best in concert with a reader’s open mind – be they spiritual or not. Shuffling a tarot deck will not summon spirits or start a séance. The process is more than half dependent on the reader’s craft. It rests heavily on their knowledge, experiences, and intuition to interpret the cards.

So, let’s be careful to remember that tarot interpretation is an art, not a science. The same card, like the Ace of Cups, may resonate differently with two different readers based on their perspectives and life experiences.

This subjectivity is not a flaw, but rather an inherent feature of tarot’s design. A typical deck is only 78 cards! The combinations and resulting interpretations are almost limitless, requiring practice and study to truly understand.

An inexperienced person might interpret the Ace of Cups as simply a harbinger of new things. On the other hand, an expert reader might connect it to deep emotional revelations specific to the querent’s individual circumstances.

Because there is no one “correct” way to interpret a reading, tarot is an incredibly personal and adaptable tool.


Tarot is an amazing tool to open the door to reflection and self-discovery. It allows you to take a step back, reflect, and open up dialogue between you and yourself. Each card has a narrative that invites you to look at your question or life circumstance with new perspective. Whether you read for yourself or get guidance from someone else, the experience can be intimate and profound.

There’s definitely some learning that goes into understanding tarot beyond the myths or misconceptions. So, no, reading tarot isn’t about predicting the future. The beauty of it is in the way it prompts divergent open-minded thinking.

Curiosity is what leads us on this path. If you find tarot intriguing, go for it and learn as much as you can. Start with a basic spread or familiarize yourself with the cards individually. It really just depends on what speaks to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do to prepare for a tarot reading?

Unlocking your deck’s energy is key. Think about what questions or issues you’d like to receive insight about. Keep an open mind and a light heart. This really helps you establish a stronger energetic connection throughout the reading.

What happens during a tarot reading?

To begin, the reader must shuffle and lay out tarot cards in the shape of a spread. They read the cards according to their position, symbolism, and your inquiries. It’s a deeply interactive process that is all about insight and guidance.

Are tarot readings accurate?

Truth is relative, based on the reader’s interpretation and belief. Tarot is about reflecting and opening up new possibilities—not making sure things go a certain way. It’s an intuitive, personal practice, after all, and not an exact science.

Can I read tarot cards for myself?

Sure you can, self-reflection is one of the primary ways people read tarot. Begin with an easy spread, such as a one-card draw or three-card spread. Listen to yourself, but be prepared to spend time learning the meanings of the cards.

Do tarot cards tell the future?

Tarot cards can’t tell you your future with 100% accuracy. They illuminate knowledge, identify trends, and offer potential directions. It’s less about predicting the future and more about giving insight or guidance.

Are tarot readings tied to religion?

No, tarot isn’t religious at all. It’s a spiritual tool that is ultimately used for personal growth and self insight. People of all faiths—atheists, Christians, Jews, agnostics—utilize tarot in varying capacities.

Is tarot reading a scam?

Tarot reading is not a scam when it’s done honestly. It’s not meant to be command and control, black and white, yes and no answers. Watch out for anyone who guarantees specific results. As with anything you read or watch online, be sure to bring a critical eye to readings.



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