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Sarah Reid
21 min read
Unlock the Secrets of Your Heart Chakra: Functions, Signs, and Healing Techniques
The heart chakra, or Anahata, is the center of our love, compassion, and emotional harmony. Found in the middle of the breast, it plays...

Sarah Reid
20 min read
Unlocking the Secrets of the Crown Chakra: Functions, Signs, and Healing Techniques
Understanding the crown chakra is vital to understanding how it connects you to higher levels of awareness and your ultimate purpose....

Sarah Reid
12 min read
Understanding the Root Chakra: Functions, Signs, and Healing Techniques
Your root chakra is responsible for giving you feelings of stability, security, and grounding. Located at the base of the spine, it...

Amy Parker
14 min read
How to Know if Each of Your Chakras is Open or Blocked?
How would we know if we have opened each and every chakra? The key is awareness on all levels—body, mind, and spirit. Each chakra...
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